Outside the Riad

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As soon as you step out of our garden, the palm grove unfolds with its inner gardens surrounded by rammed earth walls, swaying alfalfa fields, blooming pomegranate trees, and centuries-old olive trees. We would be delighted to guide you through this landscape, either on foot or by camel, for a full immersion in this unique natural splendor.


Overlooking the Riad, the majestic Djebel Zagora invites you to adventure. Join us for a one-hour hike on a comfortable trail that leads to the summit, where you can admire an exceptional panoramic view of the valley and its lush palm grove.


On Wednesday and Sunday mornings, the Zagora market comes alive. Take part in a guided tour of the colorful stalls, immersed in the spicy aromas of local products.


Depending on your desires and interests, we will organize personalized visits, from a few hours to several days. We are at your disposal to make your stay a rich celebration of discovery and pleasure.